Wednesday, January 14, 2009

General Status Update #2

Hey all - our lives have been busy ...

-: Jason :-

* I finished the Shack - powerfully written fantasy that has the potential to bring many people back to Christ Jesus.  I was personally moved by the foreword.  I believe the essence of the book is true and that not any single aspect of the content to be impossible.  Miracles happen every day.

* A few weeks ago I grew a full beard. In the last three days I've shaved it. I took pictures ...

- As you can see, I appear to lose several years of age and maturity. It is quite odd :D

* As mentioned previously, I have placed my web-comic online. Please post comments if you would like to peruse.

* Almost a week ago, my back seemed to be less than stellar.  Through the Lord's healing, and a wake-up call to slow down, my back has been healed!  Praise God for His healing mercies!

* School starts for me, Lord-willing my last semester doing undergraduate work for a Computer Science degree. Books are expected to be ordered before too long and away we go! I'll be studying Astronomy, Programming in C++, Network Technology, and Software Engineering. A big shout out goes to God for allowing this past year to occur with all its grandeur. Truly He is amazing!!

-: Ruth :-

* Ruth got her car inspected and it failed - but that is where Dave Ramsey's suggestion for an emergency fund kicks in! We've had, built up, used, and built up again this thing several times now - and I heartily endorse it!

* Ruth has been an amazing care-giver, a reliable and loving domestic engineer, and a consistent stabilizing force in my life - I am blessed to have her as my wife!

* I learned recently that Ruth has drawn closer to God as a result of living with me.  Apparently she prays a great deal as my wife!  The reality is that we are two very different people and it is only Christ Jesus that allows us to function as one flesh.

-: Peter :-

* Peter is adorable!  He continues to grow into his skin, sometimes over the course of a week, sometimes over the course of an hour!  At least five times, we've seen Peter go down for a nap and wake up visibly different.  The boy grows in visible spurts!

* Peter has gently improved his crawling, having made his first "official" crawl stance today.  This is in addition to his tendency to crawls backwards.  Yes, he IS my son.

* Peter will, no doubt, make many friends over the course of his life.  I believe one of his newer friends is a Rumba!  We found he fits nicely upon it.  Initially we placed him a box on the Rumba - later, we let him ride the Rumba for a short time as well ...

 - Which didn't last too long but was a joy to share with the family.

-: God :-

God has shown Himself faithful every day in so many quotidian details that to list them all would be only evidence of my own inability to recognize every aspect of His presence in my life.

A short list would be:
  • We were able to visit a family relative
  • We observed amazing weather
  • We made it home safely after being driving more tired than we were aware
  • I continue to be gainfully employed
  • Peter continues to be a source of amazement and humility as I identify many of his weaknesses as my own
May you praise Christ daily in your heart, life, walk, and mind.

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